Once I had decided that I was going to make a freeform bracelet, it was then time to choose my colours and try and pick a theme. I started by rummaging through my collection of size 11 seed beads. I started with the box that seemed the fullest, it contained blue beads, so I pulled out a few shades, teal, royal blue and a dark matte ab aqua, I then chose turquoise to add as an accent, galvanised gold cube and size 8 beads also looked good with this collection.

As I looked at the tubes lined up together, I realised that the theme was pretty obvious, they are very reminiscent of peacock feathers. I love peacock motifs so I was more than happy to go with this theme, I also think that these colours will be perfect for a late autumn/winter accessory. All that was missing was purple, so I dug out some violet size 8's. I have quite a few accent beads in these colours too, but I will leave them out for now and we can discover them together as the cuff takes shape!
Now my colours and theme are sorted, I need to start thinking about what approach I am going to take & what kind of techniques I am going to use.
See you soon,
Oooh! looking forward to seeing the result. I am very envious of anyone who can do freeform beading
Thanks Gemma, it is coming along, but will be a while before it's finished I think!
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