The January
moodboard challenge on
OTTBS was purple and gold. Wonderful, I thought, no problem, I have loads of purple and gold seed beads in different sizes. I know, I thought, I'll make lots of lovely peyote circles, using gold for the outside beads and different purples on the inside and then I'll sew them all up and make a lovely necklace. Simple.
Well, it may not have escaped your notice that the piece above is not in fact a circular peyote necklace but a bracelet using netting and right angle weave. I sewed up one of the circles in the wrong
colour order and because of the way I constructed it I couldn't rip it out without frogging the whole necklace!
I sulked for a week but finally bucked myself up and made this bracelet using metallic size 4mm
firepolish beads and size 11 gold seed beads.